About Ichiko

My name is Ichiko Sugiyama (she/her), from Tokyo, and I am currently a Postdoctoral Investigator at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) in the Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry (MC&G) and the Chief Communication in the European Association of Geochemistry (EAG).

I am a biogeochemist specializing in understanding metal interactions with Earth’s materials. My research focus has been to bring insights to (1) modern and ancient biogeochemistry, (2) materials science, (3) critical raw materials, (4) ocean climate solutions, and (5) environmental remediation.


Research on Earth’s materials

My work strives to better constrain metal and nutrient cycling in modern and ancient environments. I primarily conduct single-phase and combinatory experiments combined with modeling and field observations to further our understanding of Earth’s geochemical cycle. I apply my work to bring insights to (1) alternative critical mineral extraction, (2) effect of diagenesis on environmental proxies, (3) genesis of banded iron formations, (4) environmental remediation, and (5) geoengineering projects.

Arts & science

Coming from a fine arts background and as a first-generation academic, I often used visual learning to understand science. By merging arts and science, we can expand our horizons, from capturing the essence of nature to communicating science to the public. My mission is to use the art of visualization to explain science to the public, in order to attract more young minds to discover their passion for science as well as close gender and race gaps in academia.

Science communication

Everyone can understand science with the right resources and encouragement. I work every day to be a better science communicator.

Currently, I am the chair of the EAG communication committee organizing workshops, EAG Blogosphere, social media accounts, and Element news. Additionally, I am a co-founder of Rock Archive, an outreach program aimed to communicate geobiology to the public using simple illustrations/language. Futhermore, I was also an active part of the EGU Climate communicating climate change and climate-related topics to the public.